Use our technology in your product
Talk to us about OEM opportunities

Our imaging technology can be used in a variety of applications. If you are looking to image your test sample or product then talk to our team about how we can help you develop a device or system for your needs. Our imaging platform is designed to make imaging simple, sensitive and low cost. Some examples of how our technology is being used is shown below. Contact us today to learn more.

Tell us about your OEM application

Dipstick imaging

Hand held devices for rapid imaging of dipstick tests benefit from our imaging technology.Devices are small and can be inexpensive. They are especially suited to field work. 


Our imaging technology is excellent for colony counting and zone measurement applications. Low contrast and coloured applications are no problem with our imaging platform. 

Drug and virus detection

Imaging of test cassettes using small, hand held devices is a quick and easy way of getting a result. Various lighting options make possible a range of imaging solutions. Let us develop a device for you. 

Protein detection

Detection of proteins on test strips or residual protein on surgical instruments and endoscopes is very easy with  our technology. Devices tend to be small and inexpensive. 
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